summary = ” “.join([sent.text for sent in doc.sents][:3])

This line extracts the first three sentences from the document and creates a summary. Here’s the breakdown:

  • for sent in doc.sents: Iterates over each sentence in the document doc.
  • sent.text: Gets the text of the sentence.
  • [:3]: This slices the list to get only the first three sentences.
  • " ".join(...): Joins the list of sentence texts into a single string, with each sentence separated by a space.

So, this code takes the first three sentences from the document and combines them into a short summary.

Summary of Both Lines:

  • The first line extracts important words (keywords) from the document, filtering out non-alphabetical tokens and stop words.
  • The second line creates a summary by extracting and joining the first three sentences of the document.
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