Linguistic structure

refers to the systematic organization of language, including its components and rules. It encompasses various levels, such as: Phonology – The study of sounds and their patterns in a language. Morphology – The structure of words and how they are formed. Syntax – The arrangement of words and phrases to form sentences. Semantics – The […]

Morphological Segments

Morphological segmentation is a technique used in natural language processing to identify and analyze the structure of words by breaking them down into their constituent morphemes1. Morphemes are the smallest meaningful units in a language, which can be prefixes, roots, or suffixes that convey information about a word’s meaning, tense, number, or gender1. This technique […]

Part-of-Speech (POS) Hierarchy

A part-of-speech (POS) hierarchyA part-of-speech (POS) hierarchy refers to a system or classification that organizes the different types of words in a language based on their grammatical roles. The primary categories of parts of speech are often arranged hierarchically to reflect their functional relationships in language. Sentence (S) A complete thought consisting of… More refers […]

Semantic Patterns

Semantic patternsSemantic patterns refer to recurring ways in which meaning is structured and organized in language. These patterns help shape how words, phrases, and sentences convey meaning and how speakers interpret them. Below are key types of semantic patterns: 1. Lexical Semantic Patterns Synonymy – Words with similar meanings (big vs…. More refer to recurring […]

Terminographic analysis

Terminographic analysisTerminographic analysis refers to the study and systematic description of terms (words or phrases used in a particular domain or field) and their meanings, usage, and relationships within that domain. It is an essential part of terminology management, focusing on how terms are defined, categorized, and used in specific contexts,… More refers to the […]